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    Monday 4 February 2013

    In the original Delta Force, you played as a soldier in the US Army's elite
    commando and counterterrorist military force. The game overcame its graphical
    shortcomings by delivering top-notch action in both single- and multiplayer
    modes. Apparently NovaLogic was willing to bet on the same horse again, as Delta
    Force 2 uses yet another voxel-based graphics engine, but like its predecessor,
    its gameplay is good enough to buoy its less-than-stellar visuals.
    Delta Force 2 offers around 45 single-player missions, including 25 sorties
    split between two campaigns and 20 stand-alone scenarios, in which you must
    prove yourself against large and heavily armed terrorist armies. In most cases,
    you'll work alone or with a handful of computer-controlled support teams. Most
    scenarios involve a clandestine attack-and-destroy mission against enemy bases,
    though many also include hostage rescue, recovery of stolen assets, and other
    commando-style objectives. The game also contains a powerful mission editor that
    lets you craft complex scenarios with relative ease and even provides thorough
    documentation for it.
    The mission design in Delta Force 2 is generally excellent. Not only are most
    scenarios more difficult than the missions in the original, but they also seem
    realistic and believable. Although some are definitely influenced by Hollywood
    (one stand-alone mission conjured memories of the train attack scene in Lawrence
    of Arabia, for example), even these are a lot of fun from beginning to end.
    Gameplay is very similar to the original Delta Force; once again, it emphasizes
    lots of long-range sniping punctuated by the occasional close-quarters ballet of
    full-auto panic fire. In many missions, you can work your way slowly towards
    the objective by moving and sniping until only a handful of indoor defenders
    remains. In other missions, time is more of a factor. Direct assaults are almost
    always a sure recipe for disaster, despite the game's ludicrously dangerous
    default mission waypoints. For this reason, most missions tend to last awhile -
    30 to 45 minutes on the average. Also, you cannot save during a mission, so a
    lucky shot fired by the final bad guy requires you to start over from the
    beginning. Another potential problem is a glitch that lets some enemies see and
    shoot you through wooden or even stone walls. Fortunately, this bug only reared
    its head on a handful of missions, and always in the same place, but it will
    undoubtedly irk some players.
    Yet another possible problem is the graphics engine. By using the enhanced Voxel
    Space 32 3D engine, NovaLogic made a design decision that adversely affected
    both Delta Force 2's gameplay and its viability on store shelves. Because the
    game uses grainy voxels instead of crisp polygons, much of the long-range combat
    in the game boils down to hunting for moving pixels. Also, because of the
    exclusively 32-bit graphics engine, Voodoo3 owners are left out in the cold: The
    game will only take advantage of hardware acceleration (which really only
    affects objects like trees, buildings, and vehicles anyway) on 3D cards based
    upon 32-bit graphics chips.
    Fortunately, Delta Force 2 looks pretty good on a fast system. Even with the
    inherent blockiness of the voxel engine, the settings and characters look fairly
    lifelike. In fact, the gently rolling hills and impressive water effects make
    many of the maps quite beautiful, especially with 32-bit color enabled. Still,
    the frame rate was very choppy at 800x600 resolution on a 450-MHz Pentium II
    with a TNT2 card, though it looked fairly good and ran smoothly at 640x480. It
    took switching to a GeForce 256 card to make the game playable at 800x600.
    Unlike its graphics, Delta Force 2's sound effects deserve special
    praise, since they are some of the most convincing weapons effects you're likely
    to hear in a computer game. The M249 SAW in particular has to be one of the
    coolest-sounding weapons ever. Other effects, such as the zing of near misses
    and the bloodcurdling screams of your victims, help to create a highly
    believable environment that will keep you on the edge of your seat and tuned to
    the action at all times.
    In addition to the sound, the gameworld itself is immersive and dynamic; enemy
    units respond in various ways to gunfire - some come running, some drop prone,
    and some seem to ignore the offending noise completely. These varied reactions
    ought to keep you on your toes, since you'll never know in advance. Also,
    because many of the missions are chock-full of enemies - dozens in some cases -
    you are forced to hide in tall grass as often as possible, which is a new
    addition to Delta Force 2. Though the grass looks like little more than big
    pixelated blobs on the ground, it does add a welcome element of stealth. It also
    works for the terrorists in some cases, as bad guys who drop prone in tall
    grass become nearly invisible.
    Other new features include airborne insertions for particular missions. This is
    simply an automated parachute drop at the beginning of some of the scenarios,
    but it does add a little element of excitement - especially when you find
    yourself dropping right on top of an enemy patrol. Also, the game's interface
    has been cleaned up and improved; you now have access to a minimap at all times
    without sacrificing room on the screen.
    However, much like in the original Delta Force, your computer-controlled allies
    are virtually useless if you deviate from your preplanned mission waypoints,
    which nearly always take you on a suicide run directly through the heart of
    enemy defenses. That's because they move based on triggered events, most of
    which require you to walk over a waypoint. Thankfully, you can modify the
    waypoints using the new commander's screen. You can also use this screen to
    coordinate the movements of your teammates during multiplayer games, which are
    one of Delta Force 2's greatest strengths.
    Online sessions on NovaWorld are lively, frenetic firefights that are almost
    certain to turn the game's harshest critics into fans. Delta Force 2 is one of
    the most exciting and enjoyable online gaming experiences out there, despite
    the fact that some of the promised features haven't yet been implemented. The
    game supports as many as 50 players at once and features a wider array of
    weaponry than before and a new armory building that lets you change your weapon
    loadout without logging out. However, the new game modes, including attack and
    defend, search and destroy, and team flagball, are not yet available on
    NovaWorld. Fixed gun emplacements, which are by far the most intriguing of the
    new features, are not yet available either. But NovaLogic plans to roll these
    features out over the coming weeks. Performance on NovaWorld is good over 56K
    connections and even better over a fast pipe like ISDN, cable, or DSL.
    Delta Force 2 is a great single-player game with an impressive multiplayer
    component. Owners of incompatible video cards should make sure the game is
    playable and palatable before buying it, but otherwise the game should have a
    widespread appeal among fans of tactical action games. While it doesn't deserve
    as high a rating as the first Delta Force since the two are so similar, Delta
    Force 2 can't be beat for free-ranging commando combat. 

    System Requirements

    System: Pentium II or equivalent
    RAM:64 MB RAM
    Video Memory: 2 MB VRAM
    Mouse: Yes
    DirectX: DirectX v6.1

    1. Download all 3 parts
    2. Right click on part 1 and choose extarct here
    3. Install the game
    4. During Installation use given cd key
    5. Play the game

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