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    Thursday, 7 March 2013

    EditPlus is a text editor, HTML editor, PHP editor, Java editor and Hex Viewer for Windows. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers.
    Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript,

    VBScript, Python and Ruby on Rails. Also, it can be extended for other programming languages based on custom syntax files.
    Seamless Web browser for previewing HTML pages, and FTP commands for uploading local files to FTP server.
    Other features include Hex Viewer, HTML toolbar, user tools, line number, ruler, URL highlighting, auto completion, cliptext, column selection, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, spell checker, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more.

    Upadte patch
    DATE: 2013-01-22
    BUILD: 277

    * Some FTP server could produce 550 or 553 FTP error.
    * Exclude option in the Find in Files could work incorrectly.
    * Function List supports Pattern 1 and 2 check boxes.
    * Open Files list on the Directory Window could cause program crash.
    * 'Find as you type' option reflects change of other find options.
    * Extends Output Window line length limit to 20,000.
    * 'Use Pageant' option could fail if server sent banner message.
    * Fixes IME candiate window position.
    * Fixes program crash when using Saenaru Korean IME.
    * Word count feature could report wrong number.
    * Previous patch cound't handle Hangul 3 Beolsik keybaord.
    * 'File Encoding Multiple' command displays encoding in the list box.
    * Up/Down key in the Window List moves keyboard focus to list box.
    * Fixes a find highlighting bug.
    * 'Tab to Expand' menu option ('Zen Coding').
    * Title bar now shows file name in place of program name.

    1. Download the file
    2. Right click on file and choose extarct here
    3. Install the software
    4. Register the software by given keys

    Download From Mirror

    Password : 


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